Roses, Roses, Roses!
No matter what kind of gardener you are, roses are a wonderful plant to have in the landscape. They are easy to grow and maintain for the newbie gardeners out there; but, are also highly specialized and highly prized by the master green-thumbs in our midst.
Roses have captured all the senses for centuries for many reasons; beautiful blossoms, fragrant aromas, soft petals, strong stems, healing properties. They make for incredible fresh bouquets and dry beautifully for long-lasting décor. There are many varieties to choose from, it’s hard to pick only one; in fact, it’s impossible.
Whenever you ask one of our team to narrow a plant category down to just 6 items, you will receive a “this is an impossible task” kind of stare, but, somehow, we did it.
If you are hesitant about selecting a rose because the choice can be overwhelming, here are some wonderful options. And, if you are nervous about growing or pruning them, well, that’s why we are here! We’ll help you with everything you need to get these incredible plants thriving in your yard and blooming abundantly for years to come.

1. Fragrant Plum Rose
While we could share way we love this beauty in so many ways, the description by the grower Weeks Roses could not be any better “Imagine the rose Paradise with more blue, mysterious smoking and marvelous fragrance. Then dream on about a vigorous tall plant that produces armloads of very long elegant buds atop premium-length cutting stems. Now picture this plum pretty plum-colored Grandiflora with lush deep green foliage at home in your garden. Comments: Color brightens with some heat. Best form when cool. Appreciates a little afternoon shade.”
2. Easy Elegance Series

These roses combine big flowers with lots of bloom time from the hybrid tea side with disease resistance and heat tolerance from the shrub side. They are fragrant, easy to manage and stay compact making them a perfect accent in your landscape.

3. Double Delight
The Double Delight is a long-standing fan favorite for a reason. It has an eye-catching color combination of a creamy base deepening into bright red edges. With its nearly unbelievable two-toned blossoms and fabulous aromatic dance, it really could be called a Triple Delight.
4. Peace

The Peace Rose is one that even non-rose aficionados can easily recognize. The colors on these large, fragrant blossoms go from a soft, lemony yellow to a delicate pink edge with glossy green leaves, and very easy to maintain – all the elements combined to make the award-winning Peace rose the classic that it is.

5. Ebb Tide
With its old-fashioned double flower form, deep purple color and clove fragrance, this Floribunda rose cannot be overlooked. The petal count is over 35 per flower and it blooms in clusters. This is a wonderful, aromatic winner that only gets better as it grows.
6. Drift Rose Series

Drift roses are a cross between groundcover and miniature roses. This low-growing varietal is a prolific bloomer providing luscious color to your flower beds. Drift roses come in a variety of colors, all of which have blossoms that last from spring until fall. Though they look delicate, they are quite tough and disease resistant.
So, there you have it, our top 6 picks, all available now.
Come down and see us to get started on your new gardening obsession. Or, if you already have the rose growing passion in full force, come check out the many other varietals that we couldn’t fit onto one list.
From ground cover to tree form to large or small shrubs, we have roses galore and the knowledge to help you find exactly what you need for your garden – we can’t wait to see you!