66 Best Deer Resistant Plants for Utah

Making your garden deer resistant beautiful!

Plants for UtahDeer can be some of the largest pests in your garden. As a result of these large pests, we’ve put together a list of the 66 Best Deer Resistant Plants for Utah. While no plant is deer proof, we do stress that these are deer resistant plants. Unfortunately, if deer are hungry enough they will eat just about anything. These plants are very less desirable to deer so in most gardens they will be safe.
The following list includes perennials that deer tend to stay away from. If you’re looking for some larger plants or would like help landscaping your garden, we have experts on staff to help. They can discuss your specific soil type and growing zone to help narrow down what will really thrive in your area, and will also be deer resistant.
Best Deer Resistant Plants for Utah
The below deer resistant plants are all listed by botanical name followed by the common name. If the two are the same, we have just listed the name once. Most of all, we hope this gives you hope that you can have that beautiful yard you want without the deer consuming it all.
  1. Acanthus – Bear’s Breeches
  2. Achillea – Yarrow
  3. Aconitum – Monkshood
  4. Actaea – Bugbane
  5. Agastache – Hyssop
  6. Achemilla – Lady’s Mantle
  7. Alyssum – Madwort
  8. Amsonia – Blue Star
  9. Anchusa – Summer For-get-me not
  10. Anemone – Wind Flower
  11. Aquilegia – Columbine
  12. Artemisia – Wormwart
  13. Aruncus – Goatsbeard
  14. Asclepias – Butterfly Weed
  15. Aster – Michaelmas Daisy
  16. Astilbe – False Spirea
  17. Aurinia – Basket of Gold
  18. Baptisia – False Indigo
  19. Bergenia – Pig’s Squeak
  20. Brunnera – Heartleaf Alkanet
  21. Calamintha – Calamint
  22. Centaurea – Bluet
  23. Convallaria – Lily of the Valley
  24. Coreopsis – Tickseed
  25. Crocosmia – Montbretia
  26. Delosperma – Iceplant
  27. Delphinium – Larkspur
  28. Dicentra – Bleeding Heart
  29. Digitalis – Foxglove
  30. Echinacea – Coneflower
  31. Echinops – Globe Thistle
  32. Epimedium – Barrenwort
  33. Eryngium – Sea Holly
  34. Euphorbia – Spurge
  35. Fern
  36. Gaillardia – Blanket Flower
  37. Geranium – Cranesbill
  38. Gypsophila – Baby’s Breath
  39. Helleborus – Lenten Rose
  40. Iris – Flag
  41. Kniphofia – Red Hot Poker
  42. Lamium – Dead Nettle
  43. Lavendula – Lavender
  44. Leucanthemum – Shasta Daisy
  45. Linum – Flax
  46. Liriope – Lilyturf
  47. Monarda – Beebalm
  48. Nepeta – Catmint
  49. Paeonia – Peony
  50. Papaver – Poppy
  51. Penstemon – Beardtongue
  52. Perovskia – Russian Sage
  53. Garden Phlox
  54. Polemonium – Jacob’s Ladder
  55. Pulmonaria – Lungwort
  56. Salvia – Meadow Sage
  57. Santolina -Lavender Cotton
  58. Saponaria -Soapwort
  59. Sempervivum – Hens and Chicks
  60. Sisyrinchium – Blue Eyed Grass
  61. Stachys – Lamb’s Ear
  62. Tanacetum – Painted Daisy
  63. Teucrium – Germander
  64. Thyme
  65. Veronica -Speedwell
  66. Yucca

Happy gardening!


Other useful links and resources:

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You CAN have a lush green yard in Utah!

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