A lot of folks are reducing – or even eliminating – lawns from their landscape these days. But, before ripping it all out, one thing to keep in mind is a healthy lawn does help to keep yard temperatures cooler.
Lawn can offset about 50% of the sun’s heat through cooling evaporation. When it’s sunny, air temps are 10-14° Fahrenheit cooler than on asphalt or concrete and, artificial turf temperatures can be even higher. Maintaining a healthy lawn can impact your energy bill as it will help to reduce your home’s cooling needs.
With the drought that we’ve been experiencing, and water prices sky-high, it is understandable to desire a yard you don’t have to water. The good news is, that by creating a strong root system with healthy soil, your lawn can still look great with far less water than you might think.
Want a greener lawn while using less water? Here are some helpful products to easily achieve that balance:
- Ground Breaker – This product loosens compacted soil opening up pore space which allows for better water and air penetration. It binds salt to itself and flushes it below the root zone. It will help to normalize Ph and allows plants to have better access to nutrients. 8oz Concentrate – $11.99, 32oz RTS – $39.99, 1 gal Concentrate – $89.99
Hydretain – Hydretain is not another wetting agent, surfactant, or super absorbent polymer crystal. It is actually a liquid group of hygroscopic and humectant components that attracts moisture. In other words, by acting like tiny “water magnets,” they form microscopic droplets within the root zone. As a result, this process allows plants to utilize soil moisture that would otherwise be lost to evaporation. 32oz RTS – $38.99
3. TurfMax – TurfMAX contains over 50 ingredients to treat and correct a wide range of factors that make grass unhealthy. It is the only product that addresses ALL the needs of lawns AND the soil they grow in. 37lb bag – $19.99
Revive – Getting water to the roots is the secret of Revive’s success. Its unique formula allows water to move deeper down into the soil, bringing organic lawn fertilizers and air with it. This results in much stronger grass roots that produce a thick green, healthy lawn. Revive also contains iron to help keep the turf greener. 1/2gal RTS – $23.99, 1gal Concentrate – $25.99, 25lb bag – $36.99
Come on down and see us here at the garden center with any questions you may have. We are here to help you keep your lawn healthy, beautiful, and practical!