Now is the time of year to start using Wilt-Pruf around your yard and home. It’s an anti-transpirant that creates a protective coating, sealing in moisture on foliage and stems, reducing water loss during periods of severe plant stress (like the wintertime!) It protects them from sun-scalding and other damaging effects of winter and drought.
Anti-transpirant Definition:
An anti-transpirant is a film-forming complex of polyethylene and polyterpenes that, when applied to foliage, will reduce the moisture vapor transmission rate.
Winter is an excellent time to use Wilt-Pruf, but it’s also useful to apply it whenever moisture prevention is imperative. A few examples include:
- Summer drought
- Stress and shock
- Winter kill protection
We recommend applying every 1-2 months during spring/summer, and every 3-4 months during winter-like conditions. The chemical’s active life is 1-2 months during the spring/summer and 3-4 months during the fall/winter.
Wilt-Pruf has an indefinite shelf life if it’s in a concentrated form or one of the ready-to-use bottles. If Wilt-Pruf was mixed into a sprayer, it must be used and/or applied immediately. We do not recommend storing diluted Wilt-Pruf in your sprayer.
You can use Wilt-Pruf on your indoor plants as well! Although, we recommend spraying them outside or in a similarly safe location to prevent Wilt-Pruf from getting on unintended surfaces such as your counters, tables, or walls. As always, let your plants dry outside for 3-4 hours in daylight before bringing them back indoors.
How To Use Wilt-Pruf
It’s easy! First, shake the bottle thoroughly. Then, spray the tops and bottoms of stems and leaves. You don’t want to overdo it, so when you see that there is a coating on the plant and it’s dripping off the leaf, that is the right amount. Let it dry for 3-4 hours of daylight (not necessarily sunlight).
For the concentrate, shake it thoroughly before adding the Wilt-Pruf to water. Stir the concentrate into the water and use any pressure-type trombone, pump, or power sprayer (except a hose end) to apply the mixture to the tops and bottoms of stems and leaves. Let it dry for 3-4 hours of daylight (not necessarily sunlight).
If you do overspray, allow the product to dry and powder off over time.
What Plants Is Wilt-Pruf Good For?
With multiple use cases, Wilt-Pruf protects plants all around your home, year-round.
- Arborvitae
- Boxwood
- Euonymus
- Junipers
- Cedars
- Broadleaf Evergreens (ex: Laurels)
- Hydrangeas (in summer)
- Roses
- Christmas Trees
- And More!
Don’t apply Wilt-Pruf to arborvitae, cypress, juniper, or cedar until the plants have hardened off for the winter and moisture has retreated down into the roots. Otherwise, cell bursting may occur. This can happen naturally, but Wilt-Pruf would likely exaggerate the effect.
Watch this video to see Ryan Glover applying Wilt-Pruf to a laurel.
Let us know if you have any questions. We’re always happy to help here at Glover Nursery. We hope to see you soon!