Warranty Policy

en español

Eligible Items

Items eligible for warranty:

  • Deciduous Trees
  • Conifers
  • Fruit Trees
  • Shrubs
  • Roses
  • Woody Vines
  • Installation fees (1-year only)

Warranty does not cover:

  • Perennials, Annuals, Vegetables, Houseplants, Pond Plants, & Ground Cover
  • Trees or Shrubs planted outside of the currently accepted USDA hardiness zone listed for the plant.
  • Delivery Fees
  • Plants purchased at wholesale prices
  • Specialty items that are marked with “No Warranty” on receipt
  • Including (but not limited to):
    • Sub-Alpine Fir, Corkbark Fir
    • All Rhododendron (Ericaceae) family, All Azalea Family
    • Persimmon, Figs, Heather, Pieris, Nandina, Hindupan, Blueberries 
  • Manzanita & Kinnikinnick are eligible for 1 year warranty only (Myke’s does not work with their root system, so they are not eligible for the 5-year warranty)

Warranties are NULL and VOID if:

  • Items are planted in patio pot or planter
  • Items are never planted and died in original container
  • Plant damage is caused by a person, animal, insect, vehicles, equipment, wrongdoing, vandalism, weather, or neglect
  • Plant was not planted or watered with recommended protocols

Glover Nursery 1-Year Warranty

Eligible items (See Eligible Items above) purchased at retail price have a one (1) year warranty from date of purchase.  If the plant dies after being planted within twelve (12) months, you may bring it back and we will issue a store credit to be used toward a replacement plant.

  • Eligible plants are guaranteed for one year from date of purchase for one replacement only.
  • Glover Nursery will issue a store credit for the amount of original purchase to be used towards the purchase of a replacement plant.
  • NOTE: Plants purchased with store credit are not warrantied as they are the replacement plants for the original purchase.

This warranty applies to eligible plants purchased at retail price or up to 25% off. Plants purchased at 30% off or more are not eligible for this warranty.

This ensures one (1) replacement plant within one (1) year from date of purchase.

MYKE's Enhanced 5-Year Warranty

MYKE’s Enhanced Five (5) year Warranty is offered by an independent company when:

  • MYKE is purchased in a specific quantity to cover warranty requirements on eligible plants (see Eligible Plants above for full list)
  • MYKE product MUST be purchased at the same time and on the same invoice as the plants purchased. It may not be purchased at a later date or on a separate ticket. (This is the policy of MYKE manufacturer, Glover Nursery cannot make exceptions to their policy)

The amount of MYKE product required for warranty will be calculated by the Glover Nursery team at checkout.

This warranty applies to eligible plants purchased at retail price or up to 25% off. Plants purchased at 30% off or more are not eligible for this warranty.

This ensures one (1) replacement plant within five (5) years from date of purchase.

  • NOTE: Plants purchased with store credit are not warrantied as they are replacement plants for the original purchase.

Mycorrhizal Fungi

What are Mycorrhizal Fungi?

Mycorrhizal Fungi are symbiotic relationships that form between fungi and plants.  This mutually beneficial relationship helps plant roots absorb nutrients while the fungi receive sugars and nutrients from its host plant.

Why should I use Mycorrhizae when planting?

Mycorrhizae greatly increase the absorption surface areas of roots by several hundred up to several hundred thousand times, which produces a healthier root system, and in turn a healthier plant.

More Information About Mycorrhizal Fungi

MYKE PRO 2-Year Warranty

MYKE PRO is an independent company who offers a warranty on eligible plants when:

  • MYKE PRO is purchased by a licensed contractor who has been in business for at least 2 years.
  • MYKE PRO is purchased in a specific quantity to treat all eligible plants with the required application ratio.
  • MYKE PRO product MUST be purchased on the same invoice as the plant. It cannot be purchased at a later date or on a separate ticket. This is the policy for the manufacturer of MYKE PRO. Glover Nursery cannot make exceptions to this policy.

Replacement Guidelines

  • Plants purchased under a contractor’s account, even with the purchase of MYKE, will not be warrantied unless the contractor is picking up and installing the plants. Only approved contractors can set up a MYKE PRO warranty.
  • Eligible plants are guaranteed for two years from date of purchase for one replacement plant.
  • If a replacement is needed, Glover Nursery will issue a store credit for the amount of original purchase to be used towards the purchase of a replacement plant.
  • NOTE: Plants purchased with store credit are not warrantied as they are the replacement plants for the original purchase.


What should I do if my plant is struggling?

  • Email diagnostics@glovernursery.com with the following information:
  • A current photo of the plant
  • How (& how often) it is being watered (drip line, hose, gal/hr, minutes, etc)
  • What type of water you are using (culinary or secondary)
  • We will work with you to save the plant or process the warranty if the plant has died.

Do I have to return the plant if it dies?

  • Yes, you do need to bring the original plant back. If the plant is too large to carry or fit in your vehicle, please call us prior to coming in so we can work with you on an alternative solution.

Do I need the paper receipt for a return?

  • Yes, it is much easier to process the transaction if you have the original receipt in hand. If the receipt is missing, we will do our best to find the original transaction in our system.
  • Please confirm that your name, phone number, and address are accurate on the original invoice.

I have leftover MYKE from another purchase. Can I use that and get the warranty on another plant?

  • No, the MYKE must be purchased on the same invoice in order for the extended 5-year warranty to apply.
  • You may use the MYKE on other plants, but the warranty will not apply if it is not on the same invoice. This is MYKE’s requirement for the warranty to apply.

Can I get a refund instead of store credit?

  • No, the warranty is for a replacement plant.
  • There are no cash refunds for plants returned under warranty.

How do I plant and water my new plant?

  • Instructional videos are available on our YouTube channel.

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